It's hard to wake up in the morning, even with coffee. It's darn near impossible without it. But from Reddit, here are nine tricks people use to get out of bed, stay out of bed, and wake up . . . without using caffeine.

1. Immediately drink a glass of water.

2. Put your feet on the ground as soon as you hear the alarm.

3. Immediately get into the shower . . . especially a cold shower.

4. Put the alarm clock on the other side of the room, so you have to get up to turn it off.

5. Don't do anything else in bed other than sleep or have sex. If you get used to eating, watching TV, or reading in bed, your brain associates your bed with something other than sleep. And that'll make it harder to get up in the morning.

6. Plan your breakfast the night before . . . and make sure it's something you like. When you wake up, you'll be hungry and happy about eating.

7. Eat an apple. It can work better than caffeine. We're not sure why, but trust us . . . try it and you'll see.

8. Do four or five minutes of basic exercise . . . like stretching and jumping.

9. Change the song or sound from your alarm clock regularly so you never get used to it.

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