10 Hilarious Pet Memes That Could Go Viral Worldwide!
I admit it. I'm a sucker for pets. Dogs, cats, mules, aardvarks, penguins, wait -- you probably shouldn't have a penguin as a pet, but, you get the idea. I love animals. I'm also very fond of clever memes. So, when you put the two together, it's likely to put a smile on my face, and I hope, yours too.
Creating a good meme isn't as simple as it may seem. Take a photo of something, paste in a clever comment, and voila! Meme! It's not that easy. First, you really need to have some kind of compelling photograph. Animal, deranged-looking person, celebrity mugshot, something that would cause someone to take a second look. Then, you have to match that photo with a clever comment. Often, my favorites include comments that make the picture you're looking at even funnier. Especially something out of context. Or, many meme creators have a knack for matching the look on someone's or something's face, that captures what we'd imagine they're thinking.
10 Animal Memes That Will Make You Laugh or Your Money Back!
Of course, since you're not paying to look at these, there will be no refunds, but the heading says it all - and I hope you'll like them as much as I do. Eight of the ten are some of my favorites I've seen recently and the first two are ones I created.