A Harvest of Lavender!
If you love Lavender. We have got the place for you!
Lavender Harvest Days
7/8/2011 - 7/10/2011
Selah Ridge Lavender Farm
Location: Selah
330 Rankin Rd.
10am-4pm Friday; 9am-4pm Saturday; 10am-2pm Sunday
Visit Selah Ridge Lavender Farm for fresh u-cut lavender, lavender plants, quality skin care, fresh and dried bouquets, wreath making, local artisans, garden art, and beautiful country views. For information, call 697-6705 or www.selahridgelavenderfarm.com.
To get there: drive north thru Selah straight past the high school. Stay on Selah Loop Rd. for about 2.6 miles. Turn right onto Rankin. Follow yellow arrow sign up hill to left. Lavender farm on left. More plants in back.