Due to the air quality alert posted by the Department of Ecology, the Central Washington Bike Nights event scheduled for this evening at The Old #3 in Ronald has been canceled.
When it's as hot as it was Tuesday, we all know the best cure: cold drinks in a cool bar! And we found both in Selah as Central Washington Bike Nights took its first trip to Tailgaters Bar & Grill.
A beloved rider will be missing from tonight's (July 24) Central Washington Bike Nights gathering, but he won't be forgotten.
Mike Olivero, who rode with Unforegiven MC, died last week. And this evening's Bike Night -- at the Buzz Inn Steakhouse on Canyon Road -- is dedicated to his memory.
Our biggest turnout ever for Central Washington Bike Nights at The Creek in Moxee last night - over 160 bikes in all! Of course, we needed a burnout to celebrate!