These Baby Names May Be Going Away Forever in 2025 in Washington and America
When it comes to having a child, one of the tasks parents have is coming up with a name for their little one. Choosing the right baby name is something to put some thought into, for sure.
Do you want to go traditional so the baby's name doesn't stand out too much? Maybe something family-related to honor your loved ones? Perhaps a baby name that's unique to make them a leader?
Occasionally, it seems some parents get similar ideas on what to name their kids, to the point where all of a sudden, five years after the Twilight movie comes out, there are kindergarten classrooms full of Bellas and Edwards. It happens.

BabyCenter studied baby name lists over the past several years to find out which ones are slowly becoming extinct—one of those being Jaden, or most names ending with 'aden'. Very popular 20 years ago, but not as much now.
Any name borrowed from a royal family, like Catherine (especially Catherine), along with Anne, Phillip, Albert, and Edward, have all shown a decline.
The baby names going away the fastest for girls are Jamie, Katie, Remy, Liv, and Analia. For boys, it's Jamal, Esteban, Cannon, Emery, and Taylor.
Are these the Millennial names from Millennials who, now that they're having babies, aren't naming them after people who slighted them in high school? It's hard to say.
If these names are going extinct, what are some trending baby names for 2025?
Trending Baby Names of 2025
A few baby names that BabyCenter considers will trend this year are names taken straight from the Paris Olympics, like Remi and Gustavo for boys and Arlette and Jolie for girls.
Add to the list trending celebrity names like Caitlin (Clark), Travis (Kelse), and Isiah (Pacheco), and a few celestial names like Eclipse, Luna, Aurora, and Nova.
In case you're wondering, Olivia and Noah were the most popular baby names of 2024, according to BabyCenter.
LOOK: Unique baby names from the year you were born
Gallery Credit: Stacker
LOOK: Baby names losing popularity in the 21st century
Gallery Credit: Stacker
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