FREE Program Gets Yakima Kids Outdoors
Are your kids addicted to their phone? Maybe it's time they get outside and engage with the great outdoors! Well now they can go on a ton of adventures thanks to a FREE program with the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic called 'No Child Left Inside." According to KIMA, Washington State Parks was awarded $75,000 for the second year to run the program that provides kids with "meaningful outdoor experiences [...] who have little or no access to Washington State National Parks."
Some of the recreational activities in the program include hiking, heading to the mountains, trips to the peninsula, kayaking, beach trips, even camping trips. A pediatrician with the YVFWC says the benefits of getting your kids outdoors include enhanced self-esteem, academic performance, and community involvement. The YVFWC adds the experiences promotes "personal responsibility and improve academic performance. If you want to sign up your kiddo, CLICK HERE for all the details.