Whether by word or by a slap, it seems times are getting tense lately.

Allow me to give you a quick heads-up on something which has been beautifully offered by Yakima's  Amazon best-selling author.

Manna Falling Spring Beginnings: 12 Days of God's Love + Family Recipes

Yakima's Amazon best-selling author, Debra Yergen, has just published her latest book: Manna Falling Spring Beginnings: 12 Days of God's Love + Family Recipes. This gem is just what is needed in a world where so much pain and suffering exists. Yegen's goal is to help, inspire and encourage people.

Inklings Bookshop in Yakima has This New Book Now

According to a Facebook post, Debra stopped by Inklings Bookshop recently, and if you do too, you'll be able to find a copy of this locally written devotional.

Debra Yergen FB Page
Debra Yergen FB Page
Brian Stephenson
Brian Stephenson

15 Ways You Can Help People in Ukraine Right Now

As Americans watch events unfold in Ukraine, many wonder how they can help. Below is a list of organizations responding to the crisis in Ukraine along with information on how you can support their various missions. 

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