11 Impossible ‘Would You Rather’ Questions about Yakima
You've seen those 'would you rather' questions online and in books. Questions that have you think hard about having to choose between one scenario or another. We thought we might make it fun and base these questions about our beloved town.
Ask your friends these or answer these for yourself and share your answers on social media. Make sure you tag us!
Would you rather have a lifetime of free Sundome parking or a lifetime of a free bus pass?
Would you rather have a house on Scenic Drive overlooking Yakima or a nice house with 100 acres just outside of town?
Would you rather always have green lights driving down Yakima ave or constantly have school zones in effect all the time?
Would you rather have a free Miner's burger every day for a year or a free order of fries and shake from Miner's every time you order food from there for life?
Would you rather Yakima schools take snow days and add on at the end of the year (as they do now) or just have school all year long but have more extended weekends and weeks off at a time?
Would you rather have a lifetime pass to the Central Washington State Fair or a lifetime pass to every show at Capitol Theatre?
Would you rather have your favorite food truck just outside your home every day or live across the street from work/school?
Would you rather have a bullet train from Yakima that went straight to Seattle or Portland?
Would you rather the return of the Yakima Mall or The Country Store?
Would you rather your favorite food truck get a brick-and-mortar location or your favorite dine-in restaurant get a convenient food truck near you?
During snowy days, would you rather Yakima city plows plow main streets first, or local neighborhood streets first, assuming they would take care of all neighborhood streets all at the same time?

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