For many people, the Thanksgiving holiday is a time for travel.

Heck, the film Planes, Trains, & Automobiles was a Thanksgiving film all about the journey home (and anything and everything that can go wrong with that trek).

Whether it’s a 20-minute drive to grandma’s to celebrate with family, or a 2-hour cross-state adventure to catch up with relatives from around the country, hopefully, your travel doesn’t turn out to be the misadventures that Steve Martin and the late great John Candy experienced in that 1987 film.

But what if you want to travel but don’t want to get the family involved?

Luckily, Washington has one of the perfect escapes for the celebratory turkey traveler according to!

Main street in leavenworth, Washington. Buildings along a street and a cartoon turkey giving a thumbs up.

Ranking the best 38 places to go in the United States to celebrate Thanksgiving, Washington nabbed the 13th spot, with one of its iconic towns.

Most think of this place when it comes to Christmas, but those Christmas traditions kick off on Thanksgiving weekend!

Making Leavenworth the ultimate Turkey Day escape in Washington!

Wineries, breweries, cider houses, distilleries, take your pick! Any of them will help you forget all the troubles that can come with Thanksgiving with the family!

RELATED READING: Timmy's Top 5 Thanksgiving Films!

Add to that all the unique, cute, and awe-inspiring shops and boutiques; it’s a great way to ditch the food coma and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

leavenworth, washington. Main street with shops on either side.

If you’re not one for a Christmas celebration, well, don’t worry; word has it there might just be a visit from Krampus around that same time as well!

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LOOK: Here Are the 25 Best Thanksgiving movies of all time

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