Are You Searching for a Job in the Yakima Valley?
So many positions to choose from

You are hireable and if work is what you're searching for, right now is the time to apply everywhere. Workers are needed but there's not much time to interview so having a game plan works wonders. Follow these five easy steps to being hired on the spot.

How to Get Hired on the Spot in Five Steps

Yakima Jobs

If you haven't already made a list of spots to apply for, see below. Does a position require a food handler's card? Get one online before beginning the process.

1. Resume

This is the hard evidence you are the perfect person for the job so take each position you are applying for and create a resume that shows off the specific skills that make you the one they need to hire. Pro Tip: Say worked in childcare for over 20 years instead of having childcare experience and so on. Short, sweet, and informative.

2. The On-Line Application Process

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Getty Images/iStockphoto

Most businesses these days will have an online application, Fill out every single one online.

3. In-Person Introductions

Dress ready to work. Bring your resume with you and ask to speak to the person in charge of hiring. Hand them your resume, if there is an in-person application fill it out without hesitation while letting them know that you are ready and able to work today.

4. The Follow-Up

If you missed the person who makes the decisions or if you're asked to come back or call on a certain day. Do it. Follow up with every single one of the jobs and there is no way to lose.

 5. Apply at a Local Temp Agency

Instant work that will get you started while you go through this whole process and while you wait for your first paycheck from your job your temp will cover the gap.

Good Luck out there, it's not easy but you can do it!

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