Jumpin’ Jack Cheese Doritos, a ’90s Favorite, Returns to Store Shelves
In the early '90s my four food groups were Mountain Dew, Cereal, Eggos and Jumpin' Jack Doritos. Standard nacho cheese and cool ranch weren't my thing but I loved that peppery-cheesy pepper jack-style that Jumpin' Jack Doritos had.
Like anything I love, they were ripped from my hands and store shelves after a while. Me, ignorantly believing they'd last for ever and ever much like Cool Ranch has after all theses years.
I was super ecstatic when they returned for a brief time back in 2012 but knowing these were only a limited time thing I enjoyed a bag or two for nostalgic reasons but didn't get re-attached, knowing they wouldn't last.
And now, about 10 years later, they're back, back, back again!
Under the new name Jumpin' Jack Cheese (though you'd think the 'cheese' would be assumed) these come in new standard packaging with a bright silver bag which should catch the eye.
Now, like with any re-release, I don't think these are 100% the same. I wanted to say the original had more of a cheesy, peppery kick than these had. It was almost like they didn't had enough seasoning but they still tasted great and I'm all for them.
Like before, I'm not going to get sentimentally attached as I don't know how long these will last. And, admittedly, I don't eat chips and snacks as much as I used to in high school, but fun to have around. My kids seem to enjoy them, too.
Like with all chips, they're also amazing to include in your cheeseburgers. Gives extra flavor and crunch.