Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Creamy and Crunchy Taste Test
It took candy and snack food companies several years to figure this out but they learned, instead of releasing a new idea and new product that may or may not work all the time and become permanent on store shelves, they just take what's already popular, give it a new twist, and sell it on shelves for a few months encouraging people to rush out and grab it while they can as there's no telling on how long it'll stay.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups have had several variations over the past few years including ones with more chocolate, ones with white chocolate, ones with items in the cups themselves like the recent Reese's Puffs cereal and potato chips and even ones filled with Reese's Pieces. All very indulgent.
The new varieties on shelves are these two. One listed as creamy and one listed as crunchy. The creamy one slating to be more of a smooth texture of peanut butter inside the chocolate cup and one that adds a little texture. I bought one of each to try them both.
Worst case scenario, they're both just fine. I mean, really, you honestly can't go too wrong with peanut butter cups.
I tried the Creamy one first. I honestly couldn't tell a difference. It certainly wasn't as photoed on the label art. It was great but, to me, looked and tasted the same.
The Crunchy one wasn't all that crunchy, either. There was a bit of crunch and texture to it. Like it had pieces of peanuts along with the peanut butter.
All in all, both were great but nothing super unique.
I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll come out with next.