Shocking! Spokane, not Seattle, is the Best Place to Get Married in WA
Love is in the air. Maybe it's pesticides but either way you look at it with February comes that dreaded Valentine's Day where you may, just may have your significant other drop to their knee and pop the big question. No, the question isn't, "can you help me back up," but asking them to spend the rest of eternity with them.
Though Yakima has several wonderful options for places to get married, Yakima wasn't featured on this list of best places to get married.
WalletHub was listing the best cities to get married and Yakima doesn't even place on the list. No city in eastern Washington does.
There are a few that make the northwest including Spokane being the best in Washington state at 84th place. Seattle coming in at 87 with Tacoma at 165.
Also interesting to note that Washington has the most event planners per capita at 71 with Fayetteville, NC, having the least with only 8.
Oregon has a nice one with Portland coming in at 49 with Salem at 120.
California has some of the best and worst with their best being Los Angeles being 51st place and Oxnard in at 180.
If you happen to be near San Francisco, they have the most musicians per capita at 20 with it 58.8 timex more than good ol' Anchorage, Alaska. Anchorage has .34 musicians per capita. How that even works is beyond me but that's just what was listed.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter where you get married, all that matters is that I'm still on my knee waiting for someone to help me stand back up.