Burger King is offering a Lucky Charms shake. This should be the greatest news of all time, but no leprechaun would ever allow such a monstrosity to visit your taste buds.
You want it your way.
And by "it," I mean your wedding.
And you want your wedding for FREE!
Well, now your dreams can come true if your last name is Burger and King, and you have known each other since you were 5 years old.
That's right, Joel Burger and Ashley King got asked by executives from Burger King if they would mind if they took care of their wedding...
A Burger King employee posted a pretty nasty photo online on Monday. It shows him or a co-worker standing in the lettuce they use for the burger toppings.
In other words, the photo shows a guy from the knees down, standing in the kitchen of a Burger King, with each shoe planted in an open tub of shredded lettuce...