We mentioned the story this morning of A.J. Clemente... his first day on TV in Bismarck, ND he said a couple of cuss words. Click here to watch the NSFW video.
In what seems to be a totally unfair turn of events, the waitress who posted a picture of a receipt on Reddit after being refused a tip by a pastor has been fired from her job at Applebee's.
This is an hilarious video! But it seems to me that his firing the guy was premeditated because he set up a video camera or did they set it up so he would get a lot of hits on Youtube!
Long story short, I know someone (a friend of a friend of a friend) who was recently fired from his job at a local area store because he caught a shoplifter off the store premises. Since it happened off of the store's property, he was fired, even though he may have saved many from harm from the shoplifter who was carrying a knife. Is it fair?
Times are tough and big business types are looking for excuses to reduce their workforce to preserve their ridiculous salaries, unnecessary bonuses and pure ivory staplers that only work with staples made of gold.
If you fit one of the following signs, it might be time to get your resume in order and feather dust your neglected LinkedIn page.
Roger Kline may have saved the day when a thief tried to make good with over $1,600 in merchandise, but his instinct to tackle the sticky-fingered customer didn't save his job. In fact, it got him fired.