Hurry Fill the Tank! Gas Prices Are Down 10 Pennies in YakimaHurry Fill the Tank! Gas Prices Are Down 10 Pennies in YakimaYou'll find the cheapest gas in the state in Wapato Tuesday.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Top 10 Gas Stations & Cheapest Fuel Prices in The Yakima ValleyTop 10 Gas Stations & Cheapest Fuel Prices in The Yakima ValleyThis year, you may want to start saving a few extra bucks for your summertime road trips, because gasoline prices are already sharply on the rise, and there's an indication it could get much worse before it gets better.Brian StephensonBrian Stephenson
Yakima gas Prices are Ridiculous Are they as bad as the west sideYakima gas Prices are Ridiculous Are they as bad as the west sideTaking a look at gas prices in Eastern and Western Washington before the Holiday travel begins.RyderRyder