
Can the guys come over?
Can the guys come over?
Can the guys come over?
We're guessing this week's Couples Court case will resonate with a lot of you guys. It's the old she-says-one-thing-but-means-another quandary. Here's the file ...   Dear Rik and Michele: My girlfriend is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do. ...
Can she trust him?
Can she trust him?
Can she trust him?
Case No. 82715: This week's Couples Court sheds light on issues surrounding the Ashley Madison hack, and has a woman questioning whether a new relationship should move forward. Here's what she wrote ...
Case No. 082015:
Case No. 082015:
Case No. 082015:
Couples Court No. 082015: Here's what we are dealing with, people. I’ve been on a few dates with a girl I really like. In the last three weeks we’ve been on seven dates in fact. She told me she likes me, but she’s adamant about not being exclusive. Her birthday’s in a couple days, and I don’t know if I should get her anything since she’s adamant about not being exclusive. I would love to be exclus
Five things women despise
Five things women despise
Five things women despise
We all know how important it is to keep your woman happy, and I think we all know from experience that the saying "A happy wife is a happy life" couldn't be more true. So here are five things that women absolutely despise, compiled by yours truly.
How Would You Rate These 6 in Your Relationship?
How Would You Rate These 6 in Your Relationship?
How Would You Rate These 6 in Your Relationship?
When looking for a future wife or husband we wanted to see how you would rate these 6 relationship traits. You can imagine that the ladies will rate this much differently than the guys. So the question is how would you rate these 1 through 6. I wonder if any of the couples
5 Relationship “Red Flags” Complete with the SNL Red Flag Sketch [VIDEO]
5 Relationship “Red Flags” Complete with the SNL Red Flag Sketch [VIDEO]
5 Relationship “Red Flags” Complete with the SNL Red Flag Sketch [VIDEO]
A new MSN survey shows that singles in 2013 are bound and determined to find love and if you dated you know what a cruel world it can be. So what are the top traits you look for in a potential mate? I'm sure all the key traits like good looks, the way he treats his mother, maybe even a job...
How Do You Know if He or She is a Keeper?
How Do You Know if He or She is a Keeper?
How Do You Know if He or She is a Keeper?
The $100,000 dollar question is...How do you know if he/she is a keeper? Dating can seem like a daunting task for those of you on the market and filtering through incompatible partners can be a difficult (and expensive) task. So how do you KNOW that he or she is a keeper...