Avoid Shopping at Costco During These Times at All CostsAvoid Shopping at Costco During These Times at All CostsUnless you like crowded aisles and a miserable shopping experience, you might want to avoid these days. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On Amazon15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On AmazonMaybe you'll want to think twice before buying these items next time. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
WA In The 5 Most Expensive States For GroceriesWA In The 5 Most Expensive States For GroceriesStudy reveals average American household spends over $1,000 monthly on groceries. How does that break down in Washington and California?Timmy!Timmy!
Avoid Shopping at Walmart This Day of the Week at All CostsAvoid Shopping at Walmart This Day of the Week at All CostsFind out the worst day to shop at Walmart and which days are the best when searching for the best selection of items. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
11 Things Likely to Cost More in WA in 202511 Things Likely to Cost More in WA in 2025We already pay through the nose for these!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Save Big: The Top 2 Cheapest Budget Grocery Stores in WASave Big: The Top 2 Cheapest Budget Grocery Stores in WAWhere do you go to save the most money on groceries?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Don't Get Stuck Inside: 7 Grocery Essentials for WA Snow StormsDon't Get Stuck Inside: 7 Grocery Essentials for WA Snow StormsStock up on these 7 essential groceries to stay prepared for the upcoming snowstorms in Washington State.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Peek Inside the New Biggest Asian Grocery Store in WashingtonPeek Inside the New Biggest Asian Grocery Store in WashingtonThis is so cool that we have it right here in Washington State!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Holiday Shopping Alert: Beware of Scams in Wa StateHoliday Shopping Alert: Beware of Scams in Wa StateHave you ever been scammed? Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Pink Friday: Shop Local, Love Local in YakimaPink Friday: Shop Local, Love Local in YakimaPink Friday: Shop Local, Love Local!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Target Using 'Weirdly Hot' Santa to Lure Shoppers for HolidaysTarget Using 'Weirdly Hot' Santa to Lure Shoppers for HolidaysThis isn't your typical jolly ol' St. Nick who has a tummy that shakes like a bowlful of jelly with each laughRob CarrollRob Carroll
End of an Era? Local Auto Parts Stores at Risk in WA and OREnd of an Era? Local Auto Parts Stores at Risk in WA and ORDo you shop here?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio