10 Weird Yakima Valley Street Names. Have You Heard of Them?
I’m on a mission to find the weirdest, funniest street names in the Yakima Valley. Why you ask? Well, because it’s important work and someone has to do it.
Or, it could simply be that weird street names came up in a conversation recently and it turns out, I hadn’t heard of most of the ones everyone was blurting out. So, it got me thinking: what are some of the Yakima Valley’s weirdest and funniest street names? Who knows them? And how do I find out?!
I know of several examples from around the Northwest like ‘Toe Jam Hill Road’ which is named for a tall hill in Kitsap County named, uh, not surprisingly, Toe Jam Hill.
Then there’s ‘Chicken Dinner Road’ in Idaho. My uncle Zeke told me this one got its name after a woman who was known for her scrumptious fried chicken, fed the Governor a meal so delicious, he was said to have improved and renamed, the road in her honor. (or was it in honor of the chicken?)
One of my best friends grew up in Michigan near a street named ‘Psycho Path’. No kidding! Knowing him as I do, it explains a lot.
I asked a few of my Facebook friends for suggestions here in Yakima and some of them were:
FLINTSTONE ROAD – Fred and Wilma would be proud! I honestly didn’t know Flintstone Road existed but I'm thinking neighbors wondered why I was taking this pic.
AVALANCHE COURT – funny I guess, but also a bit weird – as it sounds like impending doom with few escape routes.
B STREET – this one is funny when I imagine how it must have been named. Everyone had agreed on ‘A’ street – and so, with a nod and a wink, ‘B’ Street just seemed inevitable.
SHEEP COMPANY ROAD – Ewe would think sheep couldn’t own or operate a company. (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)
CUSTER AVENUE – a great street to stage a ‘Last Stand’.
CUT OFF ROAD – I checked and yep, it’s a cut off. Funny if not utilitarian.
FOLSOM AVENUE - Instantly makes me think of Johnny Cash and kinda makes me feel hemmed-in for some reason.
GOOSE HAVEN LANE – this one has me asking, ‘Is it really a haven for geese? How do we know?
LOCUST AVENUE – if you’re determined to name your street after a plague of Biblical proportions, this one is as good as any.
DUSTY PUDDLE – This street is in the Wenas Valley and, frankly, Wenas (pronounced Ween-Ass) should be right up there when it comes to weird names.
This is the short-list. Know any weird street names in the Yakima Valley? Message me on the station app!