An Extrovert Teaches You to Survive Social Distancing!
Everyone's lives have changed these past few months during this Pandemic-Quarantine-Social-Distance-wear-a-mask-wash-your-hands-say-your-prayers unprecedented period of time. If you're like many people, you've spent quite a bit more time online than before.
Have you ventured into local Facebook Group Pages? I have and I've found several local pages that are not only fun, but great resources too!
One such page is called: Social Distancing - An Extrovert's Survival Guide.
Well, this raccoon wants a hug and he does have a natural mask. Oh, why not!?
Debra Yergen isn't a raccoon and from what I've heard, she's likely rabies-free. Thankfully, she's a friend of mine and will laugh at that line. Debra, a local Amazon Best Selling Author, is the person responsible for founding the Social Distancing - An Extrovert's Survival Guide Facebook group page and if you know Debra, she's definitely an extrovert.
Like this fish. He's outgoing. Or is it a she? None of my business.
Debra told me: "The purpose of the page is to provide ideas for meaningful connection while social distancing - or any situation that leads to life distancing like moving to a new town."
This post caught my eye recently. Simple idea, developed into some memorable family fun in their own backyard.
One of my favorite books by Debra is Sweet Pickles Take Time.
I truly enjoy taking my time while eating pickles. That's another story. Rumor has it that Debra's next book is in the works and will feature a forward written by Dr. Raul Garcia, current Washington State Gubernatorial Candidate (R). Now, if this rumor is true, you heard it here first. If it's turns out to be false, forget that I said anything. Just kidding.
If you have a Facebook Group Page you recommend, use the station app to let us know