Are You Excited or Disappointed on What’s Being Built by Winco?
If you've driven down Valley Mall Boulevard in the past few weeks you probably saw this new building being constructed by Winco and Costco.
Ooh! Something exciting? Maybe a new drive-through pizza-by-the-slice stand? Perhaps a trendy boba place or maybe even bring back 24-hour photo booths -- remember those?
Nope! Starbucks.
Another Starbucks.
I'm not trying to type sarcastically as there are plenty in Yakima who love Starbucks. They're loyal members and always know what they want and know what to expect with their Starbucks fix.
Starbucks is also known to employee several people per location so that means more jobs in the Yakima Valley.
On the other hand, it's another Starbucks. And it seems so many are disappointed as it could be a locally-owned business or something new and fresh.
I see pros and cons to this.
Pros might include convenience for people who are fans of Starbucks as well as the new batch of employees that will come from it.
Cons would include it is, yet, another Starbucks.
And it's nothing against Starbucks itself or even as a corporation. Would people be just as disappointed if it was another Taco Bell or McDonalds? It's hard to say.
Sound off on our app as well as Facebook page and let us know if you're excited or disappointed.