If You’re Driving on Chip Sealing Roads in Yakima, Check Your Tires!
The other day, I was driving to work as I always do. I live in an area that has me drive on these newly graveled chip sealing roads. It's no worry, I just drive low and slow to avoid gravel from spitting out from my tires without issue and be on my way. When I turned onto a main road, my car felt different. I couldn't exactly explain it but if you drive as often as I do, you just know. None of my engine or tire warning lights were lit, my car wasn't drifting or coasting as it does when you have a flat, but it sounded a little like that. I thought maybe I ran over a screw or nail, which I have in the past, where it makes a kind of click sound and feels a little lop-sided with every tire rotation but, when I pulled into our parking lot (I didn't have to travel far) I didn't see anything out of the ordinary and my tires all felt fine. Weird.
I drove home and noticed that sound again. This time I made sure to stop in between the added sound and, sure enough, my tire apparently picked up a glob of this junk which also attracted a load of loose gravel. Lovely.
I scraped off as much as I could but need to clean the rest as soon as I can.
This stuff can't be good for your tires, but also, depending on where you live. can't always be avoided.
Just be sure to check your tires when you can as I wouldn't think this stuff is good for them as it may get into your treading and all that.