Is Dave & Busters Coming to Yakima? I Asked and They Answered!
There was a rumor going around that Dave & Busters was going to grace Yakima with their loving presence.
The rumor started, like most rumors, as a 'wouldn't it be cool if...' and quickly turned into a 'I heard from a guy who heard from a guy that there's a very likely possibility...' type of rumor.
And when rumors start making sense, it's easy to buy into the fact that, yes, they could very well be right.
Well, never mind the he says/she says nonsense, I reached out to Dave & Busters corporate office and just asked them if there were any plans on a Dave & Busters coming to Yakima. Even if there was something written in a 2-year plan as sometimes businesses will have something in the works for a while before establishing licenses and all that.
What did Dave & Busters say?
Here is what Dave & Busters said:
Hey John, we do not have plans for a location in Yakima at the moment. Sorry to disappoint!
Why you gotta do that to us, Dave & Busters?! Why does some random dude in the area have to start spreading rumors about the awesomeness that could be so we put it in our own minds that it's going to happen when it was never going to happen? We did this to ourselves.
Well, I guess never say never but still.
In the meantime we can still take advantage of Dave & Busters if we're ever in the Bellevue/Seattle area.