Photo Contest: Show Us Your Home’s Halloween Decorations!
Sure, you've got your Halloween costume all planned out -- but how's your house dressing up this year? A creepy cemetery in the front yard? A wispy ghost fluttering from the maple tree by your bedroom window? An enormous blow-up black cat?
Whatever it is, we want to see it. Starting today (Oct. 15), we're holding a photo contest so you can show off your home's Halloween decorations -- the kind that go a step beyond lit-up jack-o'-lanterns on the porch.
And local Goodwill stores are making it interesting by offering Goodwill gift cards for the three houses that get the most votes when we let the public decide whose haunt is the most horrifying -- a $200 card for first place, $100 for second and $50 for third. That'll go a long way at your Goodwill!
So fill in the info below and upload a good, clear picture of your house all decked out for All Hallows' Eve. Entries are due by 5 p.m. Sunday (Oct. 21). Public voting runs Oct. 22-28, and we'll announce our winners Oct. 29.
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