Habitual borrowers. They are constantly behind on their bills and payments, borrowing from friends, family and unsuspecting acquaintances. Always promising to pay each back immediately but it never happens. FULL STOP. Take stock on who is doing this in your life right now and instead of continuing the cycle, provide them with the following resources.
You can set up a delivery to happen once a week, every few weeks, or once a month, and then you have the add-ons. Bread, cheeses, jams, mushrooms, and flowers can all be added to your cart before the deadline. Then all you have to do is make sure your cupboards are ready with pasta sauces, salad dressings, and a plan!
Recently I found an Instagram account called Bahn Xeo Boys and I have been obsessed with watching their weekly pancake creations. It looks like an egg batter but it's tumeric, rice flour, mixed with water, coconut milk, sliced green and salt. The result is something I have never experienced and can't wait to try again.
This week's been so hot but to wrap it up with fresh produce from the Yakima Valley is always a game-changer. When was the last time you licked your plate clean
Currently Pacific Northwest Fresh offers boxes of free produce to those in need every week! You can sign yourself up or donate to someone in our community