Teams Of Cornholers Now Forming For New League In Yakima
Calling all cornholers! A new league is now forming in Yakima!
The recently organized Yakima Cornhole League ("The Cornhole League for the Yakima Valley") is set to fire up a five-week regular season to begin on September 26. League matches will occur every Thursday through October 24 at locations yet to be determined according to their official website. Championship matches will be held on Halloween and followed by an awards ceremony a few days later. Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers.
Registration is $20 and includes a t-shirt. Space is limited to 24 players which will be divided into 12 teams by a blind draw the first week of competition.
To register, or for more info, the league can be contacted via email at yakimacornhole@gmail.com.
If you are looking for some stiff cornhole competition sooner, there is a tourney happening in Ellensburg this weekend to benefit a good cause.
And, please, if your team is crowned the champions, try to resist the temptation to exclaim the immortal words of Beavis.
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