The Inside of Your Car Will Get Insanely Hot Today… Leave the Pets at Home!
With temperatures in the Yakima area expected to exceed 105 degrees for the next couple of days, we need to keep our kids and our pets in mind when it comes to our vehicles.
Kids can play in and around vehicles ... and sometimes get themselves locked in the vehicle. They can also be easily forgotten. So far in 2018, some 30 kiddos have died of heatstroke in the U.S. So we definitely need to be aware of where they are on days like today.
Also, as much as we love to take our dogs for rides in the car, most businesses don't allow pets inside, unless they're service animals, which means they need to be left in the car. That is a huge no-no this time of year. Even with the windows rolled down, it can still be deadly to leave pets inside the vehicle.
According to this graphic obtained from an animal hospital website, at 100 degrees, it takes only 15 minutes for your car to exceed 140 degrees inside.
So please take care of yourself and those around you in this heat!