This Quaint Russian Store Nestled in Auburn is a Hidden Gem
We have our standard favorite grocery stores scattered throughout Washington state. You never have to look to far for a Safeway or Wrays or even a QFC if you're in the Seattle area. Sometimes it's nice to visit other stores like Fiesta Foods as you'll find and be introduced to new foods there as well. And all those amazing Asian stores as well, those are always fun. A friend clued me in on a Russian store that has deli, produce and tons of imported items. I had to check it out and I'm so glad I did!
This place is called Marvel Food and Deli in Auburn, Washington. Though many may not have heard about this, even those in surrounding areas, but it's such a treat when you walk in. It's like you're shopping in a store in Russia with all the colorful printed packages, unique meat and cheese items in the deli case and all the wonderful treats in the bakery. Yes, I walked out with two cakes. Well, I couldn't make up my mind on which one to get so I got both.
If you find yourself in Auburn or looking for a fun road trip, I think this place is worth a quick stop. Best of all, it's right off the freeway so easy to check it out and get right back on the road as needed.