Is It Legal to Walk on Train Tracks in Washington State?
Washington State, must like every state in the United States, has its share of railroad tracks. Although mostly for transportation of goods, not so much people unless it's Amtrak, every state has railroad tracks.
Yes, even Hawaii, though Hawaiian railroad tracks may be used more for tourist events like the Dole Pineapple Express Train Tour.
There's something whimsical about walking on a train track. I mean, you know it has to go somewhere or why would they build it? Stepping on each plank through some lush, forested area.
Or who could forget the famous train scene from Stand By Me.
Yeah, that scared me enough to never want to walk on train tracks, bridge or not.
But, is it legal to do that?
Is it legal to walk on train tracks in Washington State
As it turns out, no, it's not.
It's illegal to walk on train tracks in the state of Washington.
Don't do it.
I mean, it's super dangerous, of course.
Trains definitely have the right of way.
Trains can't just slam on the breaks like a car. All that momentum it takes a train a mile or longer to come to a stop.
Trains can't swerve since they're stuck to a track.
Trains can come from either way so you may not see one until it's too late.
According to WSDOT, train tracks belong to the train company so that makes them private property and not for public use.
Now, you are allowed to cross train tracks when applicable like a train crossings, but to walk on them, that's very illegal in Washington State.
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