WSP Adding Extra Patrol in Tri-Cities for Water Follies Weekend
The Tri-City Water Follies is a huge party on the Columbia River in Tri-Cities that shows exciting hydroplane racing in the water.
Along the edges of the water are all the spectators having a big ol' party as this event brings in people from all over the Norhtwest.

With this, Washington State Patrol reminds you there'll be an added emphasis on patrols in the interest of safety.
Not just on the ground with more cars but there will also be motorcycle troopers, unmarked cars, and even in the air with aircraft patrol making sure you're not speeding, driving aggressively, making sure you're wearing your seat belt, and checking for DUIs.
There will be no secret sideroads or anything, either. They'll be patrolling I-82, State Route 240, and State Route 395 all weekend long.
This added emphasis will be in full effect from July 26th - July 28th.
The Tri-City Water Follies are meant to be a fun time by all. If added enforcement can reduce preventable injuries and crashes, all the better.
Washington State Patrol are also reminding you the main entrance to Columbia Park will be closed from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. This is to ensure the safety of the pedestrians at the event.
From WSP:
Vehicles will not be allowed to stop on the shoulders of SR 240 for the purpose of dropping off or
picking up spectators, viewing the races, or air shows.
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