Covid has brought us the search for many things - a new found appreciation for front line workers, dining out and a cure for Rona. Over the past few months, we have found ways to deal with the pandemic – some indulge in food, some turn to the drink, many enjoy movies, TV, board games and cigars...

..wait - did I just say Cigars? Yep. But we were not expecting this one.

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According to a new study, the Cigar market has experienced a 2.5% growth rate over the past few months. Why the sudden growth? COVID.

Yep, more and more people are taking up the habit due to the effects of the pandemic.

When some have turned to food, others turn to the tobacco.

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I love cigars. I love sharing with friends and colleagues. My Co-Host Brian Stephenson and I share this passion. At dinner on the lake recently, we enjoyed couple of cigars in the early evening sunset.

For Father’s Day, Lisa purchased some cigars and a very nice cutter for me as a gift. She soooooo knows me.

AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am - Preview Day 3
Getty Images / Chaarles Kelly From Lady A Enjoys A Cigar @ The AT&T Pebble Beach ProAm

Turns out more and people (mostly men) are turning to cigars in an attempt to stave off boredom, or even a subconscious attempt to find some comfort in trying times. Cigar smoking is very social. It is not unusual for men to gather and share the love of tobacco. Women, not so much. 8% of men smoke cigars, while just 2% are women - up a tenth of a point growth since last year.

ANA Inspiration - Preview Day 3
Getty Images
PGA Golfer Jaye Marie Green enjoys a cigar on the course


Some are very offended by cigars - "they stink", "they are nasty", "cigars are disgusting". While others welcome the vice as relaxing, social and reflective.

Whatever your "acceptable vice" is during this pandemic, just know - to each, is own.


All My Best,


The JimShow

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