Bed Bath & Beyond Closing 200 Stores. Is Yakima on the List?
In what seems to be a crowded field of some of our favorites stores, of all kinds, the aftermath and lingering effects of the Coronavirus sounds like it's going to be taking a big swipe at yet another one: Bed Bath & Beyond.
I have to admit, I love this store. It's one of those unique places where my wife and i can both enjoy the hunt for the things we're interested in - and likely support one another in our desires to spend more money that we should - on stuff we 'really need'. She's the decorator in the family and admittedly has the best ideas overall for what our home needs.
I'm a bit of an amateur chef. Okay, really amateur chef. Alright! A really rank amateur chef! But I do love to get great deals on kitchen gadgets, cookware, knives, waffle irons, computerized toasters -- ugh -- maybe it's for the best that BB&B is going bye bye.
Hold on though, we don't know yet if our YAKIMA store will be among the 200 or so that the company has announced they'll be closing over the next two years. You might remember we learned in January that the company already was planning to close 40 stores and open 15 more. We were happy to report back then that Yakima was NOT on that list, in fact, no Washington state stores were.
This time around, with more than just a gradual move to online sales, the Covid-19 craze has taken it's toll. Reports are that revenue has been down upwards of 50% from the same time last year, while online boomed over 80% on the plus side. Sounds to me like a speeding up of plans to meet the situation head-on. So , only time will tell whether or not we'll have to bid a fond farewell to that awesome store.
Ooooh, I'm looking at their website right now: somebody stop me! Certain knife sets are up to $100 off! Help! Entire quality cookware sets under $100! Noooo! Don't I look like I need another coffee maker?? Well, they're on sale too!!
Gotta do my breathing exercises now. I'll keep you up to date. Ciao.