Can You Drive A Stick Shift? [POLL]
I saw this photo that a friend of mine posted on Facebook and thought it was funny.
It never occurred to me that driving a stick shift had become a lost art until I tried to teach my son Logan to drive my pickup last fall -- it was a complete disaster.
The first car I owned was a '73 Mercury Capri and it was a manual transmission so I had to learn to drive that or I would've been walking.
I still own a car and a truck that are stick shift but eventually I had to break down and buy my son a Honda Accord with an automatic transmission.
Do you realize in a report done by US World and News Report, that only 5% of vehicles sold today have manual transmissions?
That is a crazy number as when I was a younger, it was a given that you had to learn how to drive a stick shift.
I know my wife struggles and grinds the gears but can at least move my truck if she had to.
Take our poll - I'd love to share the results on the Morning Bullpen later this week.