Five Things I’ve Fallen In Love With Since Moving To Yakima
I moved to Yakima back in June, I had heard a lot about this place that made me question if I was ready to make the move. Of course, I heard "It's scary, there's nothing to do, people aren't friendly, you'll miss your home." I can say they were right. I missed my home but that's about it.
Yakima is filled with kind people, fun community events, breweries, honestly, the list goes on. So I wanted to share five of my favorite things I've found since moving here. We're only two months in so I'm sure the longer I live here the more I'll discover, we'll come up with new lists along the way.
#5.) The Orion Cinemas
When it comes to movies I'm a giant nerd, the classics, new movies, comic book movies even the occasional rom-com. So when Brian and Reesha told me about this theater, I was in. The first movie I saw there was Black Widdow. To be honest I wasn't stoked on the movie but the expierence alone was enough to draw me back. Foodservice is at the touch of a button and drinks are even on demand. It's a 21 and up venue so it's perfect for me...since I don't have kids, it's also worth paying a sitter for a fun night out.
#4.) Yakima Farmers Market
Both locations are an absolute blast and have a lot to offer. Each individual vendor I visited was extremely friendly and professional. They would take the time to explain what everything was and make sure you weren't purchasing anything you didn't need. The fresh fruits, vegetables, and hot food are also something you have to check out. Get your hands on delicious food, handmade crafts, and more all while supporting your community.
#3.) 5th Line Brewery
This place is my new go-to spot for when the Kraken starts up...also when I'm craving a craft beer. They have everything from IPA's, pale ales, amber ale's, and even some tasty ciders. Completely decked out in Hockey memorabilia and even a big screen tv for you to enjoy everything NHL. The food is also top tier even if they don't realize it. Their pizzas are delicious and you're able to share it...but they're too tasty not to treat it as a personal pizza.
#2.) Miner's Burger
I'm sure you hear this a lot being a local in Yakima but Minor Burger is AMAZING. They're so much more than just burgers tho, their menu is huge, tacos, seafood, hot dogs, salads, chicken strips, and more. Of course, we have to talk bout the burgers, they're huge, filling, and deliciously staked with a huge pattie and veggies. The fries are giant and the shakes are delectable. It's my go-to fast food joint whenever we decide to eat out.
#1.) The People
More each and every day I get a chance to meet the community, gas stations, bars, restaurants you name it. Everyone I've met has been extremely kind, patient, and friendly. We may have a difference in politics, opinions, and lifestyles but everyone seems to be understanding and kind even openly friendly. Of course, there's the occasional bad driver or someone who's having a bad day, but overall people here are welcoming and open to those around them. No matter where you go there are good people and some who are down on their luck, but that's what makes a community, people sticking out through thick or thin and coming together to fix their issues. I can honestly say there's more good out in Yakima than there is bad.
five of my favorite things in Yakima
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