I Bought the Exclusive Vegan Kit Kat from the UK
I'm always down to try new ideas. The United States is no stranger to several new flavors of Oreos every year or the wide variety of candy bars we get from Snickers or Kit Kats with a seasonal flair. There always seems to be new limited-edition Lays or Doritos as well. It's fun to see what they come up with.
And the rest of the world does the same with their own, local favors where we might have 'cheeseburger' chips, Japan may have 'yakisoba' chips. It's fun to see, though maybe not as accessible.
I noticed the UK had vegan Kit Kats so I had to try one.
To be fair, I didn't have to try one, but thought I would since I didn't know if I'd ever see one again.
What makes this vegan as they don't use milk chocolate or anything that would not make it vegan. Easy enough, but do they taste the same?
No, not quite.
They don't taste bad, though. It's a little like baker's chocolate with that kind of dark, bitter flavor of these Kit Kats.
If you were vegan conscious, these are a great treat. I'm not so I can take them or leave them. In this case, I left it but still wanted to try it just to see.