Open Letter to Taco Bell: Bring Back the Chili Cheese Burrito
When Taco Bell first opened in Yakima around '93 or '94, I was happy to see this chain come to Yakima, as well as many others. Especially people my age because the food options at the time were so inexpensive. It was during a time when nothing on the menu was over a dollar. Well, though they still offer cost-efficient menu items with several being under a dollar one item I wish they still served was the chili cheese burrito. Seemingly overnight, it was no longer on the menu. I would love nothing more than for this item to return to Yakima Taco Bell locations.
If the Mexican Pizza can make a comeback, maybe the same can happen for the chili cheese burrito.
Originally called the Chilito, then renamed chili cheese burrito it was a simple combination of chili and cheese wrapped in a flour tortilla. Yes, I'm very aware I can just make my own at home, and have on several occasions, however, there was something special about this specific one that Taco Bell would provide that I can't exactly place my finger on what made it different.
When asking for Yakima Taco Bell locations to have this back on the menu, I have to call out Yakima specifically because this chili cheese burrito still exists at Taco Bell in many locations, just not in Yakima. Not sure why but here we are. In fact, they feature it on their official website for people to order when placing an online order but when you choose your location to a spot in Yakima it says it's not an option. Can we make it an option again?