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I couldn't believe it when Christine Sims called me from the Yakima Valley Library Foundation and told me that The Foundation was selling books for 50 cents this weekend. I'm a huge book fan and I like finding good books at a discounted rate. If you are like me, then you need to check out this book fair sale Saturday.
Wake up to a better life
Wake up to a better life
Wake up to a better life
So probably just like you, I'm really not a morning person. Just not wanting to wake up and greet the day. But I'm also into self-improvement. And I wanted to work on getting up in the morning. And this book, Hal Elrod's "The Miracle Morning," has really helped me.
Books With a Letter Missing Are Better Than the Originals
Books With a Letter Missing Are Better Than the Originals
Books With a Letter Missing Are Better Than the Originals
Remember that time that #BooksWithALetterMissing was trending on Twitter, and it was hilarious? No, because your life consists of more than clicking around the internet all day searching for meaning in your life that you're never going to find? Well, let us tell you -- it was indeed hilarious.