As a life long comic book collector, the one that always happens when a new movie comes out with a new featured super-hero is that comic book values jump on that particular character. It seems that Captain Marvel is a hit and now her essential comic book appearances are starting to raise the cost of her comic books.

You are rummaging at a yard sale or antique store, keep your eyes out for her comic books and you could make yourself a bunch of money if you find them. Condition is always the #1 thing to look for but even a worn out copy of a "key" issue can bring some cash.

Key Collector is an app I use to keep track of my own personal collection and they are recommending that looking for these four Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel comic books will fully maximize your payday.

Here is what Key Collector had to say about these highly sought out comics:

"Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (1968) – 1st appearance of Carol Danvers, the Head of Security at Nasa who won’t become Captain Marvel in comics for another four decades. On March 11, 2019 a high-grade copy of her first appearance sold for $2,029. 18 months ago, a copy of this issue in the same condition sold for approximately $700. The movie caused its value to triple and its likely to continue to increase. Even a low-grade copy missing the front cover sold for $45 which is historically high for this comic in such poor condition.

Captain Marvel #18 (1969) – Carol gets caught in the blast of a machine called the Psyche Magnitron. Instead of dying, it is later revealed that she gained super-powers. On March 10, a sale closed on eBay for $195, nearly double the average 18 months prior.
Uncanny X-Men #164 (1982) – Carol Danvers has had multiple codenames over the years. The first and the longest-running name being Ms. Marvel, interrupted for a short time when she became Binary, an even more powerful, cosmically-charged hero. Although this is a key moment in her history and she displays some similar powers onscreen as she does during this phase of the comic, the value remains unaffected due to there not being a direct reference to anything in this issue.
Avenging Spider-Man #9 (2012) – Yes, Carol Danvers made her first full appearance as Captain Marvel in a Spider-Man comic.  This particular series is not Spider-Man’s flagship title therefore it wasn’t printed in high quantities. As a result of it being scarcer and the popularity surrounding the movie, a very recent sale happened on March 12 for $499.99, more than twice the amount it sold for in October 2017.
The phenomenon of movies affecting comic values are not specific to only the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the flood of streaming services on the horizon, comic book properties unaffiliated with DC and Marvel are optioned on a weekly basis. Each time one is announced, it stimulates demand and boosts sales across eBay, in-stores and wherever existing back-issues are sold."
There are a few to get you started and you never know what else you'll find when you are rummaging through stores and sales. You can check out the Key Collector APP and website here for more details and happy hunting!


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