Turkey, Black Friday & Apple Cup: Gunner’s Weekend in Five Pics
It was a crazy busy Thanksgiving weekend with tons going on! I've narrowed the weekend down to only five pics. Check 'em out!
Turkey Day! Need I say more?
I'm not sure why I feel the need to be out on Black Friday ... but I do it every year. Maybe it's FOMO? No clue. Didn't buy a single thing. Lines were too long.
Apple Cup! It was the first time I went to the Apple Cup at UW. I've been when it's at WSU. It was PACKED in the parking lot E-1 prior to the game. People getting their pre-funk on!
Hanging with friends & family prior to the Apple Cup.
I wasn't too impressed with Coug fans ... this is what they left following their tailgate. In their defense, I've heard that they did return to pick it up following the game.