Work on 48th Avenue Could Impact Yakima Commute
While city engineers work with Yakima Police to improve safety at the intersection of 48th Avenue and Washington Avenue city crews will get busy with a project on South 48th Avenue next week that will close a section of 48th Avenue for more than two weeks. The work starts on Monday, April 4 and will require closing South 48th Avenue between Castleview Drive and West Viola Avenue from April 4 through April 22. The work will include removing, widening and replacing the section of roadway which officials say could take longer than the expected two weeks.
Drive Washington Avenue if you want to get to Randall Park or the Dog Park
Obviously the closure will impact many who live in the area but access to homes will still be available. If you visit Randall Park or the Yakima Dog Park you'll have to access them using Washington Avenue. Drivers are reminded that the speed limit through all traffic-related work zones within the City of Yakima is 20 miles-per-hour. The closure may cause interruptions in scheduled refuse collection. Contact the City of Yakima Refuse Division at 509-575-6005 for more information.
As always, the schedule for this type of project is subject to change daily dependent on weather, equipment failure, and emergencies.
As previously reported the city is working to improve safety on 48th Avenue
Safety is the number one priority of the city and city engineer J. Kendall says they plan on taking action at the intersection but he says it's too early to talk specifics.
The three vehicle crash on Sunday, March 20 resulted in two deaths, an 88-year-old driver and 86-year-old passenger. It's something city officials never want to happen again, so the city is taking action.