Yakima Relay for Life Marches On. Special Luminaria Event Planned.
Over the past 25 years, I've been a supporter of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life event - held annually in the Yakima Valley. It's an amazing event - teams get together to raise money for the fight against cancer - and then come to out to the 24-hour shindig and walk 'relay' style around the track. It doesn't matter how many laps you run or walk or skip -- but teams and individuals alike, endeavor to raise as much money as possible.
One of the people I've come to know over the years of participation and support for the Relay for Life, is Sandi Cok, who is my dog Tater's Veterinarian, and a fellow Warehouse Theatre Company member. Most of the time Sandi has participated, she's been on the legendary team of 'Laverne & Shirley'. Those two have raised a TON of money over the years. This year's event is going to be different, as Sandi explains:
"This year, because of the pandemic, we are not able to hold a relay, but one important part will still be happening. At the event, we light luminaria in honor or in memory of friends or family who have battled cancer.For my team it is still essential to be able to pay tribute to these people this year, so we will be holding a drive-through only luminaria event at Caffe’ 11th Avenue on the corner of Yakima and 11th Avenue. "
If you would like to honor someone with a luminaria, you can purchase a bag for $10 at Caffe’ 11th Avenue any time between now and the event. You can also dedicate a bag online CLICK HERE.
Sandi also wants you to know they'll be reading all of the names of those who are being remembered and honored aloud. The event will take place on Friday, July 24th from 8 pm to 10 pm.
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