
Yakima Preparing For Possible Coronavirus Outbreak
Yakima Preparing For Possible Coronavirus Outbreak
Yakima Preparing For Possible Coronavirus Outbreak
Experts say if you are concerned about an upcoming trip, don’t buy into all the hype and misinformation circulating on social media. Instead, they say, stay informed through reliable sources and when in doubt, contact your travel agent, cruise line or airline for the very latest.
Heat troubles at the hospital
Heat troubles at the hospital
Heat troubles at the hospital
With temperatures barely in double digits, the heat is on the fritz at Yakima Regional Medical and Cardiac Center. Inpatient care is continuing as workers try to repair the boiler, which failed early Friday morning, according to a statement from Regional. Elective surgeries, however, are being rescheduled.
Merle Haggard Returns to Hospital
Merle Haggard Returns to Hospital
Merle Haggard Returns to Hospital
Merle Haggard attempted to go home to Northern California last week, following treatment for double pneumonia. However, he returned to the hospital partway through the bus ride, realizing something still wasn’t right.
Woman Breaks Hip in Hospital Lobby, Told to Call 911
Woman Breaks Hip in Hospital Lobby, Told to Call 911
Woman Breaks Hip in Hospital Lobby, Told to Call 911
If you’re going to fall and hurt yourself, you might think a hospital lobby is a pretty lucky place to do it. After all, the building does house doctors and nurses who can tend to you right away. That’s what 82-year-old Doreen Wallace thought. But she was wrong.