Michele Mathews

Remembering a bad boy
Remembering a bad boy
Remembering a bad boy
I woke up to sad news in my Facebook feed this morning -- David Bowie has passed away at the age of 69 after battling cancer for a year and a half. I was 9 years old when David, who played Jareth the Goblin King in the movie "Labyrinth," sparked something ... my love for the bad boy.
Ladies' choice
Ladies' choice
Ladies' choice
We learned about a new dating app ... it's called Bumble. It's similar to Tinder, but the girl is in control. You still swipe left or right just like Tinder, but if you match a guy, then it's up to the girl to message him within 24 hours or he disappears...
Kicking out the calories
Kicking out the calories
Kicking out the calories
Sixty-six percent of people make fitness and diet part of their New Year's resolutions. I'll be among those 66 percent. Starting next week, it's time for the Get In Shape challenge at the Yakima Athletic Club.
'The Bachelor Bunch?'
'The Bachelor Bunch?'
'The Bachelor Bunch?'
Rik noticed that the current "Bachelor," Ben Higgins looks an awful lot like Christopher Knight from the "Brady Bunch." What do you think? Yes or no? Does Ben look like Christopher?
Best white elephant gift ever
Best white elephant gift ever
Best white elephant gift ever
Over the Christmas holiday we threw a party just for my husband's family. It's usually the day after Christmas and it always involves a white elephant gift exchange. Everyone's white elephant gift exchange rules are different. Here are ours: When it's your turn you decide if you want to keep your current gift before opening it or steal someone else's. Our white elephant rules include stealing a gi
Happy birthday, buddy
Happy birthday, buddy
Happy birthday, buddy
Wednesday (Dec. 16) was not only my birthday, but also my birthday buddy's -- Frankie Ballard. I was lucky to meet Frankie at Watershed this past summer. Of course, I mentioned to Frankie that we both share the same birthday, but that I was much older than him...
All that ... nature!
All that ... nature!
All that ... nature!
Warner Bros. released the trailer to "The Legend of Tarzan" last week. Why does this interest me? It just so happens that my favorite actor, Alexander Skarsgard, is playing the king of the jungle -- Tarzan!
What to buy for a new guy
What to buy for a new guy
What to buy for a new guy
Dear Rik, Michele and Cefus: I've been dating a guy for a couple of months. I really like him and I'm stumped as to what to get him for Christmas? I don't want to overdo it, but don't want to get him something lame, either. Any ideas for gift giving when you've just started dating...
Feeling it now?
Feeling it now?
Feeling it now?
For some reason this year, it's taken a lot to get me into the holiday spirit. I've tried listening to Christmas music alllll the time, but it only helps a little. Until yesterday, when we received all that beautiful white fluffy stuff!

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