
Actress Robin Givens Visits Yakima YWCA Women’s Shelter [VIDEO]
Actress Robin Givens Visits Yakima YWCA Women’s Shelter [VIDEO]
Actress Robin Givens Visits Yakima YWCA Women’s Shelter [VIDEO]
Robin Givens was in Yakima Monday, delivering a message of hope for women caught in violent domestic relationships. Givens spoke at the 22nd annual YWCA Leadership Luncheon at the Yakima Convention Center about her life before and after her abusive relationship with former boxer Mike Tyson...
Undercounted 12s?
Undercounted 12s?
Undercounted 12s?
Football is officially back! There were a few surprises to opening weekend that included the Dolphins beating the Patriots and the Bills edging the Bears. Those may have been some of the on-field highlights, but I've noticed an off-field trend that seems even more surprising to me: It's the number of women who are becoming involved in the sport...
Five things women despise
Five things women despise
Five things women despise
We all know how important it is to keep your woman happy, and I think we all know from experience that the saying "A happy wife is a happy life" couldn't be more true. So here are five things that women absolutely despise, compiled by yours truly.
Eight Words Women Use and the Interpretation
Eight Words Women Use and the Interpretation
Eight Words Women Use and the Interpretation
If you are married or in a semi serious relationship then most likely heard these words more than once. Now the next time you hear them let this be your guide to know what they mean and how you should react.
Are Men Getting Smarter When it Comes to Choosing a Partner? Survey Says…
Are Men Getting Smarter When it Comes to Choosing a Partner? Survey Says…
Are Men Getting Smarter When it Comes to Choosing a Partner? Survey Says…
A recent Men's Health survey answers the question "What makes a woman sexy?" I was pleasantly surprised to hear that guys finally get it. The common stereotype put upon men is that we are shallow, that we only care about looks and appearance as opposed to other features like intelligence or personality. This new survey confirms that guys are getting smarter and choosing partners based on
25 Reasons Beer is Better Than Women
25 Reasons Beer is Better Than Women
25 Reasons Beer is Better Than Women
25 Reasons Beer is Better Than Women 1. You can enjoy a beer all month long. 2. Beer stains wash out 3. You don’t have to wine and dine beer 4. Your beer will always wait patiently in your car while you play baseball
I Hate My Body!
I Hate My Body!
I Hate My Body!
Glamour magazine conducted a survey and found that 97% of young women have at least one “I hate my body” moment every single day. According to Glamour, “unattainable cultural beauty ideals, celebrity worship and the fact that we’ve trained ourselves to be this way” is to blame for the “I hate my body” moments...