I love it when that happens!

Lisa and I decided to go to lunch earlier today. We got a gift card for Second Street Grill and wanted to try a thing called, “indoor dining”. It’s a thing where you eat out, inside. Perhaps you have heard of this phenomenon?

Second Street Grill

I jest, but it seems like another world - eating out, indoors. It had been 5 months since we last graced the doors of The Second Street Grill. We arrived around 11:30a. We were met by Juan who asked, “Table for two?” “Yes Sir” I answered. “Right this way. By the way, you are the FIRST to dine inside our doors since the pandemic.”

“Really? We are honored.”

Wow. I am never first at ANYTHING, so this was a treat.

FIRST! Our booth was the one one the right in the center

As we ordered our food, I noticed the door/windows were pulled up to take advantage of the beautiful weather. I then began to think, will outdoor seating still be a thing in the Winter? What will that look like?

Keep in mind, we are just two months away from 40-ish degree weather (according to the National Weather Service). Ask yourself, would you eat outside in 40 degree-ish weather?

How many jackets does that require? How many layers of clothing? How many heaters would it take to keep you comfy in 40-ish degree weather?

Street Tacos Ya'll! (my apologies for the agape mouth) It was that good.

Living in a ‘Rona World, it seems the governors phases are slow to come. Yakima County is in a good place now. Currently we are in Phase 1.5/2. However, we have been stuck in 1.5 since July 3rd. So it is my hope for struggling restaurants and its employees, that we get into Phase 3 and 4 ASAP.

The industry and its employees have already suffered enough.


All My Best,

The JimShow

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