Charter Spectrum-Fox Contract Dispute Is Getting Tiresome to Watch
OK, I've had enough!! I'm missing out on watching one of my favorite shows "Lucifer." It's all because Fox and Charter Spectrum have been feuding over contract negotiations, which has resulted in all Fox programming being missing from the Charter Spectrum's Fox channel.
If you turn to the Fox channel on Charter you get a message that plays over and over.
So, I'm about four episodes behind on "Lucifer." I thought maybe I could outsmart them by going to on demand to Fox to watch, but of course it displays a message that says to contact my carrier for assistance.
Can you imagine how upset paying Charter Spectrum football fans would be if this were football season? I know that a few NASCAR races were on Fox recently, which fans could not watch.
It not only affects Yakima, but Spokane, Idaho Falls, Yuma, Ariz., Eureka, Calif., Medford, Ore., and Syracuse and Binghamton N.Y. In total it's affecting 11 networks.
Charter Spectrum and Fox, please work this out soon. Thanks bunches from the paying costumers in the Yakima area.