After Nearly Four Decades, I Finally Get to See Alabama
My 5-year-old self finally got to see Alabama, although with only two of the original members! When I was 5, my parents bought tickets for us to see Alabama along with Barbara Mandrell in the grandstand at State Fair Park.
But a couple of days before the concert, my parents informed me that they were giving my ticket to my older cousin Becky.
I remember crying in my room the night they all went to the concert. It's a moment that probably shaped how much trust I put in adults -- or anyone -- for that matter.
Maybe my 5-year-old self wouldn't have appreciated the show as much as my 40-something self. But it would have been a great memory made with both my parents, which are very few and far in between due to them divorcing twice from each other during my childhood.
Even though both Randy Owen and Teddy Gentry are in their upper 60s and have been making music together for almost 50 years. they still sounded killer in person!
If you get the chance, check off Alabama from your concert bucket list!
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