Is ‘IT’ Too Much for Our 12-Year-Old?
How much is too much when it comes to an intense horror film? At what age is anyone ready to deal with disturbing, graphic images that can haunt thoughts and dreams for years?
With Stephen King's popular new film, "IT," sweeping the country, it's a question that's causing consternation among a lot of parents -- including the two involved in this week's Couples Court case ...
Dear Morning Bull Pen:
My husband and I have been arguing for the past two weeks over whether to allow our 12-year-old son to see Stephen King's new clown movie, "IT."
The film is rated R, which means our son is too young to see it anyway. My son has been begging my husband to see the film because he likes horror movies. My husband claims he knows of a theater that will allow my son to see it.
My son is begging me to see the film as a reward for doing well in school. He says he's seen scarier films on TV and the Internet.
Is 12 too young for a film like "IT?" Do you think he's mature enough to see it? Should I cave?
The answer in this case might not be right for every couple, because kids mature at their own individual rates. But if we limit our arguments to the facts at hand, what should Judge Michele's ruling be, Bull Pen jurors?
See you in court Thursday morning ...
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