It’s National Coffee Day! How About Some Coffee Flavored Creamer?
(Tuesday) Is National Coffee Day! Something we know allllllll about here in the Yakima Valley.
And I am positive you have tried EVERY combination of coffee. Mocha, Latte, Americano, Blonde, Espresso, Breve, Cold Brew, I could go on. We all have our favorite.
Every combination has been tried, vetted, tested or enjoyed. Nothing new is under the sun here. We even have creamers to add to the bean. French Vanilla, Italian Sweet Cream, Pumpkin Spice - it feels like there are an infinite number of coffee creamer flavors out now, including Bailey’s Irish Cream Cream.
But here's a flavor no one thought of before. It’s been sitting under our nose the entire time since early man/wo/man, cracked the bean. It’s been hiding in plain sight ever since. Allow me to introduce you to Coffee Mate's newest line of coffee creamers are coming out in January, and they'll be flavored like…
Why? Why would you add coffee flavored coffee to your, er, coffee? Did we ask for this? Good question! While we search for answers, allow us to ruminte as at this point, we can only guess.
The idea is you can add these more sophisticated flavors, like "Classic Colombian" or "Italian Espresso" to the mediocre coffee you brew at home to make it taste like better coffee. This will come in handy as most workplace coffee is basically third world country fare that attempts to fuel our workday.
Our coffee here at work could GREATLY benefit from ANY help whatsoever. I am thankful because it’s free, but you get what you pay for. So, until these creamers come out, we will continue to enjoy the some Yakima’s finest coffee houses and what they have to offer sans coffee flavored creamers.
All My Best,
The JimShow