Are you having trouble coming up with a New Years Resolution? Here are a few suggestions from us here at 929 The Bull. What are your New Years Resolutions? Good Luck!

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    Spend less time on social media

    I don't know about you but I can sometimes get lost in many of the social networking sites. This year I will TRY and focus when I spend time on Facebook/Twitter. I'm sure some of my friends and family will like it when I focus on them more instead of my phone.
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    Sign up at the gym and set goals

    Well...everybody starts the new year off with the best of intentions to workout and get in shape but getting it done is a different story. Set achievable goals and follow your progress. It takes time and dedication, so you have to make it a high priority. Better health leads to a longer and happier life so let's do it up right in 2013.

    townsquare media
    townsquare media
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    Eat better

    I didn't realize how much money I spent on eating out until I added it up. I'm not much of a cook but even I know you don't need to cook fruit and veggies to get a healthy meal.

    townsquare media
    townsquare media
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    Spend more time with family

    Sometimes I feel like a bad relative. This year I'm going to make an effort to see my family more. We always get together on certain holiday, but it would be nice to see them more in the new year,

    townsquare media
    townsquare media
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    Do more good deeds

    Send one of your wife or girlfriend flowers just because (I hope you read that last sentence Rik Mikals.) Listen to your friends and then do something to help them out in the new year. I always feel really good after doing something nice for someone I care about!

    vday roses
    vday roses

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